NEWSLETTER - Summer 2021


Summer 2021

Dear past, present and future members of NMSCH,

There is light at the end of the dark COVID tunnel, although currently it is flickering a little. I hope that you are all vaccinated and using your hypnosis skills to help your self, patients/clients through these difficult times.

The pandemic forced us to become more creative in our continuing education offerings.  Last September 2020, NMSCH offered its first virtual workshop. Save the date for Saturday, January 29, 2022, NMSCH will be offering another virtual workshop.  You can listen and learn from the comfort of your home or office.  Delle Jacobs, LICSW, LMFT will be presenting “The Hands Have It”.  Delle will be teaching Ernest Rossi’s ideodynamic hand techniques for mind – body communication and healing. Check our website for more information: NMSCH members will receive a discount.

In June 2-5, 2022, NMSCH is proud to co-sponsor with Motivation Hypnosis the 11th annual Age Regression Workshops.  It will be an in-person workshop retreat for individuals who have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.  These workshops include 3 levels of age regression training and offer up to 22.5 CEs for psychologists, social workers and mental health counselors (ASCH approval pending). NMSCH members receive a $50 discount.  For more information & to register please visit:

As a member of NMSCH for just $35, you also have free access to the Hypnotic Idea Exchange. These free monthly meetings bring together leading experts and practitioners of hypnosis to exchange ideas on what they are doing in their work. These Zoom meetings offer participants: 
1) “Powerful insights from a panel of experts – ideas that can be readily applied in their hypnotic work as well as their own lives, 
2) A forum to share creative hypnotic ideas of their own with each other and the panel, and
3) A source of professional community and camaraderie during these uncertain times.”
And they are FREE to NMSCH members. 

Professional dues are tax deductible and NMSCH is only $35.  Our annual membership dues renew in August.  Any dues payments made now will immediately activate your membership and be good through August 31, 2022.  That small amount gives you a discount at all the workshops sponsored or co-sponsored by NMSCH and the opportunity to market your services via our website.  NMSCH membership also offers you collegial support, referrals, information regarding ongoing training and CE opportunities.  Please download a membership application from our website and mail it to Maureen Turner, Box 328, Isle La Motte, VT 05463.

ASCH will be back to in-person workshops in December 2 – 5, 2021 in Kissimmee, Florida offering Level 1, Level 2 and an advanced tract on Hypnosis for Treatment of Trauma, Attachment, and Dissociation:

ASCH’s annual scientific meeting and workshops will be held live in Jacksonville, Florida March 3 – 6, 2022.  March is always a great time to head south.

It is time to shed our pajama bottoms, stop sitting in front of our computers for hours on end and come together to grow our local component society so that we can support each other and the important work that we do. 

Stay well, stay healthy, and join NMSCH.


Linda Thomson
President, NMSCH

Click to read our past Newsletters from the NMSCH President: